POV Producers are young people aged 14-25 living, studying, working in Herefordshire/South Shropshire.

The Producers all belong to many different communities based on locality, faith, sexuality, gender, interests and ideals. Here are a selection of their responses.

The Producers make digital content in response to themes, attend events and workshops and get experiences that are helping to inform and shape their creative futures.

POV Producers meet in real life monthly in Hereford but are in contact via Whatsapp and email to access opportunities.

The group is open to anyone and is completely free.

If you are 14-25 and keen to get involved or if you know or support someone who you think might like access to these opportunities then please contact Toni Cook, Creative Producer on tonic@ruralmedia.co.uk or Whatsapp 07799814215

If you would like to know more about our group, and our upcoming projects, you can follow us on Instagram.

Our impact

As someone who’s just finished their last year of free college education & is now entering a three-year degree. Being a part of P.O.V Producers has allowed me to have a sense of control & expression through a defining part of my life, as the world changes around me. Since joining this group, I’ve not just been able to feel like part of a proper community & witness places I never would’ve before, I’ve been able to express my opinions & visions in ways I never have before under the guides that I ‘haven’t got enough life experience
— Joshua Johnson.
I typically find it really difficult to express myself in a way that really represents the way I feel, however being a part of the P.O.V Producers group has meant that I can interact with people my age that think and feel the same as I do so we can collaborate , with the use of Rural Media resources, to create pieces of media that convey our thoughts and emotions effectively
— Ava Jordan