Poetry by Harvey Williams
I've tried rum from Kingston
It was... fun.
I've tried vodka from Russia
It was lush.
But my heart belongs to something else, something that has its history dotted around
My home
like artefacts to rival Rome
I speak of cider both cloudy and clear
Which in terrible times erodes my fear
Rolling fields of verdant green
Numerous times on the big screen
From the great river that cuts like a knife
That provided the ancients with their life
To out apple trees
Which provides cider for you and me
This is my home, My life and my love
And I feel as though I fit like a hand in a glove.
A new chance
This is it, A new year, A new chance
A new tune for us to dance
A recipe to try
Or hair to dye
A chance to begin new chapters
And a chance for others to close.
A blank sheet
A blank sheet? What shall you be?
A poem? A painting? Or maybe a doodle?
Perhaps you’ll be a love note treasured for a lifetime?
Or a temporary reminder for an appointments time?
Whatever you will be remember your start
A blank page
And a willing heart
You didn’t ask me
You say you dis this “For the young ones”
And yet you did not ask how this could affect us.
Now are education, work and Holidays are slashed
Watch Harvey’s performance of his new poem, My Hereford, created in response to the city he lives in, here.