The EPIC value of volunteering

In this episode 18-year-old Charlie talks about how volunteering has changed her life. She interviews youth worker Tammy about the EPIC volunteering programme based at Close House, a drop-in youth centre in Hereford city. Charlie hopes that by sharing her experience more people will help out the communities where they live.

“I wouldn't have met as many amazing people as I have. I wouldn't have had the support that I've had for the past couple of years to kind of… make a better me and get to where I am now.”

You can find out more about Close House at Any young people who use the youth centre can become an EPIC (Energetic, Positive, Informed and Creative) - it’s a movement of young people who refuse to be idle or let their community label them as misfits or hoodies. EPICs can be sponsored online at

P.O.V. is a youth voice programme funded by Esmee Fairbairn Foundation making space for rural young people to tell their stories and share their experiences in ways that will create change.


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