May 4th: Exploring the data
The Point of View survey was completed by more than 650 people under 25 years old. This means we now have a HUGE amount of data that can be explored in more detail.
There are thousands of comments and statistics. It’s useful to remember that every single answer was typed into a survey box by an individual who took the time to share their feelings about living in Herefordshire. What they’ve shared gives you a snapshot of people’s real lives and an idea of what actually matters to people aged between 14 and 25 right now. Some of their responses and the key findings might help you with your creative project. If you haven’t decided what issue you’d like to make a creative project about, there might be a theme or interesting bit of data that inspires you.
Key findings from the survey:
85% of young people reported positively about living in Herefordshire, while only 8% felt negatively about living in the county
46% of young people did not think they would always live in Herefordshire
Only 11% rated their opportunities in Herefordshire as better than that of their peers living in bigger cities
Overall responses indicated that although living in a rural county had benefits there were limitations around access, opportunity and prospects
36% wanted more age appropriate activities and events. The most frequently referenced challenge was lack of things to do and available places/spaces for young people