June 15th: Guest Speaker, Richard Ball

Fed up with buses?? At this session we’ll be joined by Richard Ball, a senior manager at Herefordshire Council, whose department is responsible for transport, as well as a healthy economy. As the Director of Economy and Place, we might want to ask Richard about how the council’s economic plans are developed in ways that respond to the needs of young people aged under 25 (as well as asking him about pot-holes…).

bus stop

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Every year Herefordshire Council receives funding from Central Government (think Number 10 Downing Street) along with council tax to deliver front-line services including transport. All the decisions they make as a Council should be made available because they are spending public money.

This document tells you more about the Council’s structure: https://www.herefordshire.gov.uk/downloads/file/8213/senior-managers-structure-april-2021


June 22nd: Creative Projects


June 8th: Planning our Creative Projects